导读 开头段:🍖✨提到香煎猪排,是不是已经流口水了?这道菜外酥里嫩,香气四溢,是很多吃货的心头好!今天就来教大家如何在家轻松做出美味的香...
正文段:🥩Knife in hand, start by lightly pounding the pork chops to an even thickness using a meat mallet. This ensures they cook evenly and get that perfect crispy texture. Next, season both sides generously with salt, pepper, and your choice of herbs like thyme or rosemary. For extra flavor, you can marinate the pork chops for 30 minutes or more. Now, heat up a non-stick pan with some olive oil over medium-high heat. Place the pork chops in the pan and let them sizzle for about 4-5 minutes on each side until golden brown and cooked through.